Mike Hendrick
Mike is a senior biologist and project manager with over two decades of experience in environmental compliance within California and at the federal level. Mike has expertise in West Coast fisheries, principally in estuarine and freshwater habitats. His recent work in California includes managing the federal and state Endangered Species Act effects analysis of the Delta Conveyance Project (DCP), assisting in completing the Smith Canal Gate Project environmental compliance, and leading the biological assessment development and incidental take permit application for the Sites Reservoir. His work on the DCP and Sites projects also involves close coordination with the National Environmental Policy Act and California Environmental Quality Act.
Mike’s previous experience includes serving as the project manager for the California Department of Water Resources’ permitting efforts related to the Bay-Delta Conservation Plan, developing a fish passage assessment index for salmonid waterways in California, and environmental compliance related to emergency drought relief efforts. While working for the National Marine Fisheries Service, Mike completed multiple biological opinions on flood management and fish screen projects. He also has experience with the Marine Mammal Project Act and the conservation and management of marine resources.
M.S., Biological Sciences, California State University, Chico
B.S., Botany, Colorado State University